
President’s Report Dec. 2015

President’s Report:

As the winter of El Niño 2016 begins to arrive the Friends want to take this time to thank Supervising Ranger Maureen Abare-Laudy, Ranger Justin Gibbons and PMW Jeffery Sobilo for taking such good care of our Reserve. We thank and wish God’s speed to Felipe Franco in his new position at the Tijuana River Park. We welcome PA Maria and PA Ben and look forward to working with them.

We also want to thank our donors and members who are making possible some improvements at the park. More news on that in our next issue, I promise.

The San Diego Union Tribune, Sunday Nov.22nd issue, had a good article on the floods that occurred in 1916. Have you heard of “the 100 year floods?” Be prepared. This may prove to be a wet year.

May you all have a safe and happy Holiday Season enjoying the cooler weather that should be coming soon.


Minutes of the Friends of Goodan Ranch and  Sycamore Canyon 

Open Space Preserves

Nov 2, 2015

Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm

In Attendance:  Carol Crafts, Karen Larsen Gordon, De Anne Erickson, Nancy Ujazdowski, Terry Callan, and Timothy Ann Hunt. A quorum was present. Bob Crafts attended as a guest.

-Minutes submitted from the August 3, 2015 meeting were moved, seconded and passed as written.

-Treasurer report:  $16,683 total checking/savings. $1,650 income with $1,417 in expenses. $1,034 in checking $15,889 in savings. Terry reviewed the California Attorney General’s form for 2014 Registry of Charitable Trusts with requirements of annual reporting. 4 reports are due: IRS 990, CA FTB 199, RRF-1, and SSI-100. Terry will contact Michelle Bourget to proceed with the financial audit.

Membership renewals are due January 1, 2016

Old Business:

-Tracking report: No report.

-Poway Parade: Carol questions whether Friends is receiving adequate benefit from sponsorship. Recognition of sponsors was lacking. Carol will submit feedback to Poway Rotary.

-Monitoring tablet and weather station request from County Staff has not been made. Future monitoring of endangered or threatened plant species would benefit from the equipment.

– Quick Guide to Climate-Smart and other interesting topics have been covered at the SDMMP meetings. Karen will be attending the November 4, 2015 meeting regarding rare plant monitoring conducted in 2015.

Remember when?


– Ranger’s Report: No report.

New Business:

– Board Elections: Carol would like to find a successor and Karen will test the waters…A discussion was held regarding dissolving Friends due to low membership and lack of leadership in the pipeline.

– Carol is soliciting articles for the December 1st Sycamore Sage. We are looking forward to Cathy’s report from her perspective as a live-in volunteer.

– A program for the Rancho Bernardo Historical Society will be made by Carol on November 14th was viewed by the meeting attendees.

-Meeting Adjourned at 7:37pm

Next Meeting: February 2 at 7:00p.m. at the Hamburger Factory on Midland Road, Poway.


On Sept. 23rd  Carol attended the San Diego Monitoring and Management Symposium on climate change. Several case studies for climate smart conservation were presented. You should be able to go to the link below for more information:

An educator’s workshop was held Oct 17th.



The mews are beautiful. Moved in two raptors last week and two more soon. Felipe Franco transferred to Tijuana River Park. We hired two new part time PA Maria

(microbiology degree) and Ben  Madruga(biology degree). We can use the help on multiple maintenance and interp projects. Three race events coming up on Dec 6, 12th and Feb 27th.


Cathy’s column 

The steamy weather hung around Sycamore Canyon long after it wore out its welcome. One velvet moonless night Ranger Maureen led a small group down the Martha’s Grove trail. Heat and moisture hung on us like a damp towel. The white glow of Ranger Maureen’s flashlight revealed four shiny Southern Pacific rattlesnakes at different points along the trail. She was able to teach the hikers how to exercise caution and respect for this valuable animal. I would say the hikers, including myself, had an awesome and unforgettable experience.

Late summer rains greened-up the canyon. The blazing heat moved out and cooler air eased in. We see deer less often. Now they can find water from condensation and don’t need to use the drinkers near the ranger station. A croaking frog vibrated the air this morning while I was hanging wash. The quail family nesting in the oaks behind our trailer all is grown up but still together. They look like a flock of miniature penguins with topknots toddling around in the crackly leaves.

Getting up early in the chilly morning air has its rewards. The night sky slowly lightens into pastel colors and then bursts into bright pink, purple, blue and gold sunrises. Mike spotted a bobcat trotting along the road during this quiet time of the day.

Now the mice are looking for warm nesting places. I found this out the hard way when my car’s check engine light came on. Mice gnawed some engines wires resulting in a costly repair. Well, live and learn. Now the traps are set! In addition, Ranger Maureen provided us with a machine to put under the car at night. It makes a noise, barely perceptible to the human ear, which mice can’t stand.

On a recent Friday night Mike and I drove to the highway 67 staging area. We like to see the nighttime lights of Santee and Lakeside below. They twinkle like bowls of jewels against the night sky and black mountains. Mike looked at the sky and said, “What is that?” A very large circular blue-green object glowed in the western sky. I wondered if that’s what it would look like if a meteor was crashing to earth. Mike said that military test launches sometimes result in strange looking lights. Later we saw on Twitter that the Navy had launched a trident missile from a submarine in the ocean north of Los Angeles.

It’s hard to believe we have been living in Sycamore Canyon for almost a year. Mike and I wish you peaceful, joy-filled holidays.


Report from Karen:

Monitoring Native Plants Found in Goodan Ranch and Sycamore Canyon Open Space Preserves

A March 2015 Sycamore Sage article describes our initial participation in the San Diego Management and Monitoring Program (SDMMP) development of a survey protocol for accumulating data about rare threatened and endangered plants indigenous to our local open spaces. Here is an update:

2014 and 2015 have been the rollout years for baseline surveys of 28 species, and several governmental agencies, environmental firms and volunteer organizations have utilized the protocol.

At the November 4, 2015 meeting of SDMMP, 5 presentations were made about the use of the protocol and suggestions were made for the coming year. Goodan Ranch and Sycamore Canyon will hopefully see 2016 county sponsored monitoring, according to Jennifer Price, Land Use/Environmental Planner.

So why is this important to the County of San Diego staff and the Friends of Goodan Ranch? Weather, drought and fires, as well as land use types, shape many of the vegetation layers of our landscape, but Goodan Ranch contains many acres of relatively undisturbed land. That is why the San Diego thornmint, Acanthomintha ilicifolia, has populations that remain fairly consistent and robust. Carol Crafts and other Friends have conducted less formal surveys of thornmint for well over a decade, and we look forward to the implementation of a more scientific driven assessment.

The management of invasive plants is a perplexing challenge in preserves, including ours. One example is the Willowy monardella, Monardella viminea, plant. The known population at the south end of Goodan Ranch appeared to shrink significantly after a huge bloom of Italian star thistle several years ago. The Inspect and Manage Objectives of the SDMMP surveys will identify surrounding plants, invasive and native, document a range of weather data and even document the absence or presence of Argentine ants. Stresses on the native plants will be more easily determined in order to assist land managers in maintaining robust populations like the thornmint and aiding the recovery of struggling plants like Willowy monardella.


Events at Goodan Ranch/Sycamore Canyon:

Over ten miles of trails and service roads open to hiking, mountain biking and equestrian use.  Preserve visitors are welcome to visit our visitor center.  Live animals and exhibits on Goodan History, Cedar Fire, Kumeyaay and the MSCP are on display.

Events, hikes and programs start at various Preserve locations.  Some require a one mile walk from Goodan Ranch staging to the Visitor Center. ALLOW ½ HOUR TO PARK AND WALK TO THE VISITOR’S CENTER.  Please check descriptions closely.  No vehicular traffic is permitted in the Preserve.  Transportation for those with disabilities can be arranged, by calling the Ranger at (858)513-4737. Goodan staging area accessed from Poway Rd. east on Garden Rd, then south on Sycamore Canyon Rd.  Sycamore Canyon Rd. ends at parking lot.

Highway 67 staging area accessed through SOUTHBOUND Highway 67 only, half a mile south of Scripps Poway Parkway.

All events are free.  For information or to make event reservations call (858) 513-4737 or email          

The Parks website is See also

During rainy weather and post rainy weather the Parks Preserves are closed for safety and damage control due to muddy, wet trails and roads.  Please check the Parks website or call the ranger’s office at 858-513-4737 for Preserve status.


 Friday, January 18th, 2016     Sunset

Star Party.   Join SDAA volunteer astronomers and County Parks for a night with the stars.  Come experience the chance to view our galaxy using the same technology used by the professionals.  Viewers get a chance to see many amazing sights, depending on time of year, that they wouldn’t normally see without the trained eye of the astronomers.  Come prepared to be amazed.

Program will be held at Highway 67 Staging area accessed Highway 67 southbound only.  RAIN or CLOUDS CANCEL.

Dec 5 Christmas at the Santee Barn;

Dec 12 Christmas in Old Poway Park.


Saturday, January 23rd, 2016     9:00am – 11:00am

Raptor Rap.   Join Ranger Maureen and her live raptors to learn all there is know about these magnificent birds.  Eating habits, nesting, and survival will all be discussed along with biology, ecology and conservation.  Guests will also get a chance to see live raptors on display.  Bring your questions and curiosity.   Feathers, skull reproductions, and pellets will also be on display for your examination.  Don’t miss this opportunity to see your local large birds of prey.  Space is limited to 50 so please call (858)513-4737 for reservations.  Guests will park at Goodan Staging area and must walk approximately 1 mile down to visitor center.

Rain or muddy conditions cancel.

Program will be held at Preserve Visitor Center.



Saturday, February 27th, 2016

Dirty Feet 100K/50K/Half-Marathon.   Dirty Feet Productions and park staff will be hosting a foot race here in Sycamore Canyon on the 27th of February.  More info including race and registration information can be found at or by contacting park staff at (858)513-4737.




 All Memberships are from 1 January of each year.





City_____________State__________ Zip______




Would like to serve on the board:________________


____$20 Senior 62 plus      ____$20 Student

____$25 Individual

____$40 Family

____$100 Patron

___ $250 Corporate    ____$1000 Lifetime


13030 Birch Lane,

Poway, CA 92064


The Sycamore Sage

13030 Birch Lane Poway, CA 92064


Our book, Goodan Ranch and Sycamore

Canyon; A history of the land, then and now, is available for $5.00

(includes tax); add $2.50 for postage.


Contact or call 858.486.0919



President’s Report

Fred AlbeeFred Allbee? Who knew Fred? Fred, his wife Lydia and daughter Bonnie moved to Rancho Ruidoso in 1940. Fred was hired by Roger and May Goodan to be the care taker of their Poway Ranch. Known as The Honorary Mayor of Poway, he lived on the Ranch until 1991.

This is one of the stories you might learn when visiting Goodan Ranch and Sycamore Canyon Open Space – a S.D. County Park.   Carol


Yet another reason to conserve Fanita Ranch and provide a connecting trail system to Goodan Ranch/Sycamore Canyon OSP.

Marines warn bikers to stay off Miramar

The confusion over who’s allowed in the area where the northwest part of Mission Trails meets the east end of U.S Marine Corps Air Station Miramar will now be cleared up by armed Marines taking bicyclists,…


Minutes of the Friends of Goodan Ranch and  Sycamore Canyon Open Space Preserves

Aug 3, 2015

In attendance: Carol Crafts, Terry Callan, Ann Hunt, DeAnne Erickson, Phoenix Von Hendy, Nancy Ujazdowski, Ann Tipps

The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm.

-Secretary’s Report: The motion passed to approve the minutes of the meeting held May 11, 2015

-Treasurer’s Report: Balances to date are: Checking – $1046, Savings – $15887, Total – $16933.

1) Tracking-rescheduled to Aug 21-Old Business:

2) Scripps Ranch Community Fair 5/17 event successful

-New Business:

1)     Sustainable plant training-Carol, Karen, Victoria to attend

2)     JPA 6/18 attended by Carol and DeAnne, 18 parcels added, Miramar work-around trail discussed

3)     Carol honored as volunteer of month for July!

4)     Poway Days parade 9/12-sponsor only this year

5)     North County History brochure-renew? Carol will confirm cost

6)     Sept newsletter-any inputs for Carol?

Meeting was adjourned at 7:55pm. Next Meeting: Nov 2, 2015  7:00pm Hamburger Factory


Check out this local non-profit ( It is all about teaching people the value of growing your own food.


As seen in the County News

Goodan Ranch and Sycamore Canyon couldn’t ask for a better friend than Carol Crafts.

Left to right: Parks Director Brian Albright, Supervisor Dianne Jacob, Carol Crafts, Parks Volunteer Coordinator Cheryl Wegner

The Board of Supervisors honored Crafts on Tuesday for her dedication and named her County parks and Recreation Volunteer of the Month of July 2015.

On-site news:

By Cathy

Heat has settled in at Goodan Ranch like an open brick oven. During mid-day it can take your breath away. Mornings and evenings are the best times to enjoy the summer here.  Most plants are turning brown, even the invasive mustard. My gourmet horse Tiny loves to eat the yellow mustard flowers, and once he ran away from me to get to a particularly tasty patch.

The movie The Goonies came to the Highway 67 staging area.  A large inflated screen glowed across the canyon like an old-time drive-in theater.  As the night air cooled, about 50 guests sat wrapped in sleeping bags and blankets watching the popular, and lengthy, movie on its 30th anniversary.

During the San Diego Astronomy Association star party the space shuttle passed through the black night sky. I was catching up on family news with my sister-in-law and almost missed it completely. Luckily the astronomers pointed out the bright white object arcing from west to east.

Many animal babies have left their parents and moved on. Cocoa’s two young red-tailed hawks are out of the nest. We see occasional deer and coyotes, but the animals seem to be waiting out the heat.  When the deer see us, they vanish into the underbrush like silent ghosts. We know many deer are here, because Mike’s night cameras capture them drinking from the watering troughs. One morning, as Mike was reviewing the previous night’s pictures, he saw a photo of a large fourteen-point buck looking at the camera with a surprised expression. On warm evenings, furry-bodied male tarantulas cross the road with jointed legs that look the fingers playing the piano.  Early one morning Mike spotted a fox at the bottom of Cardiac Hill.

The county crew is grading the Ridge Trail and removing the round rocks that the earth continuously burps up. After the trail is re-covered with sand and DG (decomposed granite), hikers, bikers, and equestrians will be able to more easily enjoy one of the most beautiful trails in the county. Summer in the park is quiet and beautiful in its own subtle way.

I attended the Monitoring and Management Coordination Meeting and heard Jason Giessow speak. He talked about 22 Invasive non-natives. See link below:

Events at Goodan Ranch/Sycamore Canyon:

Over ten miles of trails and service roads open to hiking, mountain biking and equestrian use.  Preserve visitors are welcome to visit our visitor center.  Live animals and exhibits on Goodan History, Cedar Fire, Kumeyaay and the MSCP are on display.

Events, hikes and programs start at various Preserve locations.  Some require a one mile walk from Goodan Ranch staging to the Visitor Center. ALLOW ½ HOUR TO PARK AND WALK TO THE VISITOR’S CENTER.  Please check descriptions closely.  No vehicular traffic is permitted in the Preserve.  Transportation for those with disabilities can be arranged, by calling the Ranger at (858)513-4737. Goodan staging area accessed from Poway Rd. east on Garden Rd, then south on Sycamore Canyon Rd.  Sycamore Canyon Rd. ends at parking lot.

Highway 67 staging area accessed through SOUTHBOUND Highway 67 only, half a mile south of Scripps Poway Parkway.

All events are free.  For information or to make event reservations call (858) 513-4737 or email          

Sept. 19th. Sunset Night Hike – call for info

The Parks website is See also

During rainy weather and post rainy weather the Parks Preserves are closed for safety and damage control due to muddy, wet trails and roads.  Please check the Parks website or call the ranger’s office at 858-513-4737 for Preserve status.


Sept 12: Poway Days Parade 9AM

Oct. 17: Halloween at

Santee Barn, Magnolia Ave.;

Oct. 18 Poway History Day Home Tour

Nov. 20 Santee Tree lighting;

Dec 5 Christmas at the Santee Barn;

Dec 12 Christmas in Old Poway Park.

JOIN NOW FOR       2015/2016

 All Memberships are from 1 January of each year.




City_____________State__________ Zip______

Phone ______________


Would like to serve on the board:________________

____$20 Senior 62 plus      ____$20 Student

____$25 Individual

____$40 Family

____$100 Patron

___ $250 Corporate    ____$1000 Lifetime


13030 Birch Lane,
Poway, CA 92064



President’s Report

The month of  May has brought us some unusual rains and welcome clouds. It also brought back the JPA (Joint Powers Authority) meeting which was cancelled in 2014 due to the fires. I am happy to report that more acreage has been acquired for the Reserve and new trails are being prepared. Already open are connections to Sycamore Trails West (a part of Mission Trails). Thank you for your continued support and appreciation of our lovely Preserve.


Minutes of the Friends of Goodan Ranch and  Sycamore Canyon Open Space Preserves
May 11, 2015
Meeting was called to order at 7:05pm

In Attendance:  Carol Crafts, Karen Larsen Gordon, De Anne Erickson, Nancy Ujazdowski, Terry Callan, Ann Tibbs and Timothy Ann Hunt. A quorum was present. Bob Crafts attended as a guest.

-Minutes submitted with one name correction from the February 2, 2015 meeting were moved, seconded and passed.

-Treasurer report:  $16,683 total checking/savings. $1,435 income with $1,280 in expenses. $1,021 in checking $15,622 in savings, with the memorial donation of Chris Yandall distributed and recognized. Memberships continue to be collected for 2015. Terry has filed the 2014 federal and state tax returns.

Ongoing Reporting:

-Tracking report: No report.

-JPA annual meeting is scheduled for May 18th at 12:00 noon at the Visitor’s Center. Carol and DeAnne will attend.

–  New live-in volunteers Cathy and Mike Ovary have been participating in plant surveys.

– Ranger’s Report: Jeffrey remains as full time maintenance. No word on San Diego Thornmint surveys. Materials for the mews have arrived or on order. Well sites explored are not viable for use as a water source for the facilities. Summer programming is now available. Dave Knopp, County ofSan Diego, inquired regarding Friend’s viability. Maureen responded with accolades, particularly regarding Carol’s leadership.

Old Business:

– Monitoring of endangered plants requires accurate weather readings, and the use of a tablet for data inputs. Additional information about specific equipment is to follow meeting further with the San Diego Monitoring and Management Program leaders.

New Business:

– The Goodan Ranch/Sycamore Canyon Open Space Preserve is hosting Movie in the Park on June 6th. It will be ‘The Goonies.’ No funds from Friends have been requested.

– Sunday, May 17th is the Sustainable Scripps Ranch event. Nancy volunteered to join Carol, Phoenix and Karen at the booth.

(Fred Kramer of San Diego Tracking team also joined us).

– Carol is soliciting articles for the June 1st Sycamore Sage.

– A survey is being conducted by the City of Poway Jim Hagey about building a wildlife/pedestrian/equestrian overpass of Highway 67 just north ofPoway Road. An article will be in the June Sycamore Sage.

-Meeting Adjourned at 7:37pm

Next Meeting: Aug 3, 2015 at The Hamburger Factory Restaurant on Midland Rd

Letters: We got mail!

From  Ruth:
I have been a member of the San Diego River Conservancy (SDRC) Board for the last several years.  With limited CA State resources, we have been helping restore and upgrade the river’s watershed.   One of our major goals is Arundo removal along the river and tributary streams.  Perhaps a link to SDRC’s website might be something you could include in Sage.

On the home page is a link to Arundo removal in Sycamore Creek in Santee, near the Santee Lakes.  There is a video (taken by a drone) fly-over of before and after Arundo removal that is very interesting.    An article about the removal is here:

From: Rick of California Chaparral Institute []

The Earth Day Newsletter had a quote from a Father to a son:
“May your dreams and ambitions find the freedom to roam through life and discover the true miracles of the world, and through your efforts may the beauty of the delicate balance of nature be preserved for the joy and appreciation of all mankind. With the greatest of expectations,
All my love, Dad.       Christmas 1975.”

Subject:  Chris Yandall Donation

On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 4:57 PM, Lafontant, Christine < wrote:

Hi Terry,

I am so sorry for your loss. Your donation will go to the San Diego County Parks Society into an account specific to skateboarding. I have copied Aliah Brozowski who is the District Manager overseeing the Lakeside Skatepark to make her aware that these funds will be available for a skateboarding related project or program.

Thank you for your generosity in honoring your friend.

Christine Lafontant, District Manager

Former professional skateboarder Kanten Russell, now a skatepark designer, stands by a concept drawing of a skatepark for Ramona with Miles and Reed Gunnett and Dillon Webster.
Former professional skateboarder Kanten Russell, now a skatepark designer, stands by a concept drawing of a skatepark for Ramona with Miles and Reed Gunnett and Dillon Webster. Maureen Robertson

Andrea Barnes wrote:

-Chris Yandall used to work for the County of San Diego.  I think it was from 1992-1999.

If something special happens with this it would be great to know about it as I would post it to his fans on Facebook.  He has a worldwide following of skateboarders.

In fact, in last weeks Ramona Sentinel, they had an article about how the 7th graders were being taught the technique of skateboarding called ‘skogging’ that Chris developed.  Click on the image at right for the article.

On-site news:

By Cathy

Early summer is settling in at Goodan Ranch. On the surface the hills seem unchanging, but careful observation reveals plants and animals in constant motion. As on-site volunteers we have front-row seats. White sage and coastal goldenbush are replacing the fading blue mountain lilacs. The kestrel babies have now fledged. Their first flight attempts seemed a bit clumsy. Hummingbirds buzz from back and forth in the flowering sage garden at the ranger station. We often bring out the field guide to identify these beautifully colored little birds. An oriole pair has been enjoying an extended stay in the garden. It is really exciting to see these bright orange birds.  A young red-tailed hawk, affectionately named Cocoa by Ranger Maureen, quickly built a nest and is sitting on it. At night the newly-hatched baby barn owls call for food.

Occasionally we see young coyotes. They watch Annie the boxer dog and me with curiosity when we hike. For her part, Annie looks straight ahead and walks quickly when we see these strange puppies.

Rattlesnakes love the warm rocks and roads. Our two-year-old granddaughter Nora happily pointed out a Southern Pacific rattlesnake sun-bathing outside of the garage. Rattlers like this one are relocated to less traveled areas of the park. Those of us who drive in the park watch carefully for snakes crossing the road.

We check the roads for Poor Will birds as well. At night they look just like rocks. They have to be scooted away by hand so the car can move forward.

Hikers, mountain bikers, and equestrians pass by our trailer. These visitors enjoy the park’s beauty and athletic challenge. It’s fun to meet and talk to like-minded people. There have been some less respectful visitors as well. One night we took my sister and nephew, who were visiting from Chicago, to the highway 67 staging area to stargaze. We heard motors and saw vehicle lights near the ridge trail. On investigation the next day, Mike noticed some of the blooming yuccas were cut. Apparently the Lord’s candles are quite valuable. The next day some Jeep vehicles drove off-road in one of the more pristine areas of the park and damaged the chaparral.

Our trailer is a great home for us. All of its working parts are functioning well, including the WiFi and TV. When the hot water started smelling like rotten eggs, Mike replaced the anode rod in the hot water heater. That solved the problem. We planted marigolds, tomatoes, peppers, and carrots in pots in our enclosure. Savannah and Tiny are content at the lovely Sycamore Canyon stables. As I said last month, “life is good.”

From the Poway News Chieftain, May 13, 2015, by J. Henry Jones:

“An online survey is now underway to find out how many people say they would use a proposed pedestrian-equestrian-wildlife bridge over state Highway 67 that would link trails throughout the county.

The results of the survey will be included with a grant application seeking funds that would be used to help build the bridge, which has an estimated $6 million price tag.

The survey is being organized by Jim Hagey, an avid hiker who came up with the concept of the bridge, and has the support of the City of Poway and theCounty of San Diego.

A link to the survey can be found on Poway’s website: (The survey link is found on the city’s home page under the title, ‘Bridge over Highway 67 Being Considered.’)

The bridge would be built across the highway roughly 1.75 miles north of the intersection of Poway Road and Hwy. 67 and would link the Lake Poway/Mt. Woodson/Potato Chip Rock trails to the Iron Mountain trail system to the west across the highway.

San Diego County and the city of Poway have agreed to seek funding sources not only to construct the bridge but also to purchase about 800 acres of land on the western side of Iron Mountain through which additional trails might be constructed linking Ramona to the system.

The vision, as seen by Jim Hagey, an avid hiker, would be to expand the parking lot at the Iron Mountain Trail head making it a centralized hiking hub.

“The bridge could lead to a north/south trail that would extend the entire length of the county,” Hagey said. “It would interconnect all the trails in the county. Otherwise all those trails become a ‘Call Mom Trail,’ — you get to the end and call your mom and say, ‘Drive me back.’”

The survey is short and includes a link to a map showing where the bridge would be built and how the trails would connect.”

Quail Guzzlers of Goodan Ranch and Sycamore Canyon Open Space:

The 2003 Cedar Fire exposed many treasures including Kumeyaay artifacts, homesteader sites and quail guzzlers, in our preserve by removing heavy brush. The treasure hunt continues as more quail guzzlers are being discovered by County staff and Carol Crafts of Friends.

Did you know there is an organization dedicated to repairing and maintaining guzzlers throughout the County of San Diego? According to the website,

“Pheasants Forever launched Quail Forever in August of 2005 to address the continuing loss of habitat suitable for quail and the subsequent quail population decline. Bobwhite population losses over the last 25 years range from 60 to 90 percent across the country. The reason for the quail population plunge is simple – massive losses of habitat suitable for quail. There are five major factors leading to the losses of quail habitat; intensified farming and forestry practices, succession of grassland ecosystems to forests, overwhelming presence of exotic grasses like fescue that choke out wildlife, and urban sprawl.”

Quail Forever has a hunting background, and like Ducks Unlimited, strives to improve overall native habitat and conduct population monitoring. Quail guzzlers provide not only water, but shelter for many small species. Most of our county’s 200 to 300 guzzlers were built between 1948 and 1952 by California Department of Fish and Game, although many of their locations and status have been lost due to construction.

A detailed description of guzzlers may be found at .

Events at Goodan Ranch/Sycamore Canyon:

Over ten miles of trails and service roads open to hiking, mountain biking and equestrian use.  Preserve visitors are welcome to visit our visitor center.  Live animals and exhibits on Goodan History, Cedar Fire, Kumeyaay and the MSCP are on display.

Events, hikes and programs start at various Preserve locations.  Some require a one mile walk from Goodan Ranch staging to the Visitor Center. ALLOW ½ HOUR TO PARK AND WALK TO THE VISITOR’S CENTER.  Please check descriptions closely.  No vehicular traffic is permitted in the Preserve.  Transportation for those with disabilities can be arranged, by calling the Ranger at (858)513-4737. Goodan staging area accessed from Poway Rd. east on Garden Rd, then south on Sycamore Canyon Rd.  Sycamore Canyon Rd. ends at parking lot.

Highway 67 staging area accessed through SOUTHBOUND Highway 67 only, half a mile south of Scripps Poway Parkway.

All events are free.  For information or to make event reservations call (858) 513-4737 or email          

June 6th Movies in the Moonlight – enter from Highway 67

June 19th Sunset Star Party – From 67

July 11th –Snakes Encounter – At visitor Center – arrive early and walk down

Aug. 21st –Star Party from 67

Sept. 19th. Sunset Night Hike – call for info

The Parks website is See

During rainy weather and post rainy weather the Parks Preserves are closed for safety and damage control due to muddy, wet trails and roads.  Please check the Parks website or call the ranger’s office at 858-513-4737 for Preserve status.

Events Elsewhere:

  • June 20th – Old Poway Park – Sam Hinton Folk Festival 10:30 – 3PM
  • Museum open 10 – 4.
  • June 20th, July 18th Santee Historical Society Barn Open House 10 – 12.

JOIN NOW FOR       2015

 All Memberships are from 1 January of each year.




City_____________State__________ Zip______



Would like to serve on the board:________________

____$20 Senior 62 plus      ____$20 Student

____$25 Individual

____$40 Family

____$100 Patron

___ $250 Corporate    ____$1000 Lifetime


13030 Birch Lane,
Poway, CA 92064
The Sycamore Sage