Happy Thanksgiving from The Friends of Goodan Ranch
President’s Report
I am delighted to welcome Ann Hunt to our Board. Ann has had a lot of experience with the San Diego Tracking team and will bring wisdom and enthusiasm to our small group. Is there anyone else out there who would also like to help us support Goodan Ranch/Sycamore Canyon? We only meet 4 times a year (1st Monday of Feb, May, Aug and Nov) and then add other events as they come up. Just let us know when you renew your membership for 2015.
We certainly have had our share of sunshine these past 3 months. We have had only two good rains and then more sunshine. Drought is becoming a way of life. If you look at the history of southern California this is actually typical. Do you remember Charles Hatfield in 1916? Drought was so bad that he was hired to make rain. The subsequent weeks brought devastating amounts of rain washing away 103 of 106 bridges then in the county. Be careful what you wish for!
I do wish everyone a peaceful, healthful and happy Holiday season. Celebrate St. Nicholas Day (Dec. 6th) at The Barn on 9200 Magnolia Ave, Santeefrom 11 – 2. Join some of us at The Poway Historical Museum for Christmas in Old Poway Park on Dec 13th, 3:30 – 8:30. Carol
Minutes of the Friends of Goodan Ranch and Sycamore Canyon Open Space Preserves
November 3, 2014
Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm
In Attendance: Carol Crafts, Karen Larsen Gordon, De Anne Erickson, Ann Laux, Phoenix Von Hendy and Nancy Ujazdowski. A quorum was present.
-Treasurer report: $13,482 total checking/savings. Terry moved $1000 into checking. The donation in behalf of Chris Yandall has yet to be sent, but is in process.
-Minutes from the August 2014 were moved, seconded and passed.
Ongoing Reporting:
-Tracking report: Mountain lion scat, along with deer sign and additional wood rat nests have been recently documented.
-JPA annual mtg was cancelled. No reschedule yet
-Maureen did not give Friends report. No response has been made regarding supplies for raptors kept at the Ranch.
– Website domain name registration is up coming. Phoenix noted a 5 year renewal rate is $50.10. Karen moved and Nancy seconded to make the payment. The motion passed. Andrea Barnes will be retained to maintain the site and revision requests should be submitted to Phoenix.
Old Business:
-Poway Parade was successful, with good responses by children of puppets. Many thanks to Nancy for the use of her truck.
-County Movie in the Park (Frozen) in August had about 40 attendees.
New Business:
-Carol needs to secure the Friends’ logo, so she will give Ann the floppy disk to try to update it for future use.
-The mid-coast corridor transit Project Notice of Availability of the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement was sent to Carol from SANDAG.
-How to recruit new members?
– The Thornmint working group met 9/26 in USGS conference room. Carol and Virginia Marshall attended, as well at Justin from staff. On October 21st, Carol and Karen attended the strategic planning meeting. Lora Bradley from the county will be hosting a training in January in anticipation of surveys come Spring, 2015. Cheryl Goddard and Jennifer Rice have been requested to provide survey results from the past few years. Our preserve hosts one of the largest stands of San Diego Thornmint in the county. Additional endangered plants on site are the Willowy Monardella and Dudley Verigatta.
-Meeting Adjourned at 7:37pm
Next Meeting: February 2, 2015 at 7:00p.m. at Coco’s on Poway Road
Thanksgiving came early this year as we received a $1,000.00 Anonymous donation. Thank you!
Dead Birds: Dead less than 24 hours – no obvious damage – do Not freeze. Call 1-888-551-4636.Weekends: 858-565-5255
Have you found an injured or orphaned bird or mammal in San Diego County? Call Project Wildlife at 619-225-9202. See their web site at:www.projectwildlife.org
Events at Goodan Ranch/Sycamore Canyon:
Over ten miles of trails and service roads open to hiking, mountain biking and equestrian use. Preserve visitors are welcome to visit our visitor center. Live animals and exhibits on Goodan History, Cedar Fire, Kumeyaay and the MSCP are on display.
Events, hikes and programs start at various Preserve locations. Some require a one mile walk from Goodan Ranch staging to the Visitor Center. ALLOW ½ HOUR TO PARK AND WALK TO THE VISITOR’S CENTER. Please check descriptions closely. No vehicular traffic is permitted in the Preserve. Transportation for those with disabilities can be arranged, by calling the ranger at (858)513-4737. Goodan staging area accessed from Poway Rd. east on Garden Rd, then south on Sycamore Canyon Rd. Sycamore Canyon Rd. ends at parking lot.
Highway 67 staging area accessed through SOUTHBOUND Highway 67 only, half a mile south of Scripps Poway Parkway.
All events are free. For information or to make event reservations call (858)513-4737 or email Justin.Gibbons@sdcounty.ca.gov.
The Parks website is www.sdparks.org. See
San Diego County DPR Program Guide
During rainy weather and post rainy weather the Parks Preserves are closed for safety and damage control due to muddy, wet trails and roads. Please check the Parks website or call the ranger’s office at 858-513-4737 for Preserve status.
January 10, 2015 Scavenger Hunt 9:30 – 11:30 AM
January 16 Star Party at Sunset
February 14 Wildlife Bingo 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
By Carol Crafts
From issues of the “Poway Progress, An Independent Local Weekly,” 1894 – 1896, under the column “Poway Points,” families and activities from Peachland are identified. As several members of the Poway Historical Society could not identify this area, I decided to find it.
“T.J. Cambron is farming on a large scale this season…on his valley ranch and…in Peachland.” (Feb. 3, 1894). “Mr. Wm. Clark of Peachland…says considerable hay will be harvested in his region.” (May 5, 1894). “Judge McIlhaney passed through the valley on Tuesday on his way to his Peachland place, his appetite whetted for a feast on early peaches, which he thinks should be ripe about this time, in that locality.” (July 6, 1895). Other names associated with Peachland are Eckhardt, Frankland, Rainsberger, Robinson, Rev. M.C. Smith and Parker. These families show on the 1894 map in sections (3, 4, 9, 10, & 15) that are along the top of Poway Road near and just east of Hwy. 67 and south to near Scripps-Poway Pkwy.
“Judge Mortimer McIlhaney has been hauling his Alexander peaches to San Diego – some six loads- marketing them, according to the latest figures, at 2 cts a pound.” (July 21, 1894).
Ms. Hassan notes in her book Paguay, “The Kent family began a peach orchard which reached its peak in the 1920”s.” The Kents had property just south of that known as Peachland.
How are the peaches in these areas today? Does anyone know?
All Memberships are from 1 January of each year.
City_____________State__________ Zip______
Would like to serve on the board:________________
____$20 Senior 62 plus ____$20 Student
____$25 Individual
____$40 Family
____$100 Patron
___ $250 Corporate ____$1000 Lifetime
13030 Birch Lane,
Poway, CA 92064